Christophe Plays POP!

A fortnightly pop quiz. Currently in recess.
It can get a bit weird, but generally satisfies.

One question per fortnight, released on a Thursday (actually, it’s often released when I’m good and ready).

Answers must arrive by the following Wednesday midnight, London UK time (or some other time that I decide on a whim).

One winner each fortnight gets a prize (usually a set of my postcards or, sometimes a piece of art/whimsy), while your weekly scores are added to your grand total. When your grand total reaches 100 points you get a grand prize (like a limited edition print or, you know, a bigger piece of art/whimsy) to thank you for your loyalty.

The current question is HERE.

Christophe’s decision is always final, but he lends a sympathetic ear to any quibbles, complaints or corrections… before entirely disregarding them.

Previous questions can be found by putting ‘cppop’ in the Search box. In all likelihood.

Oh, listen, can I suggest that you follow my blog, to be sure never to miss a trick at CPPOP!
There are sometimes updates/comments/amendments which you will only see if you follow me…
You can do this by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page… down there… on the right…
Why not do it now, before you forget?

And you’d enjoy it more if you got one of your friends to play, and follow, too. Wouldn’t you? Hmmm?

C P P O P !  L E A D E R  B O A R D
after Q11

1st: Mr. Dunn (80)
2nd: Mr. Young (67)
3rd: Ms. Trendall (59)
4th: Mr. Cleaver (53)
5th: Mr. Landi (49)

The rest of you are in my thoughts… just not on the leader board.

What say you?