Catch 22 Retirement Home

Years ago, tired, old Corgi paperback editions of Joseph Heller’s classic used to have to rub shoulders for decades with who-knows-what pulp on charity shop shelves throughout the land. So, I began to rescue these fine tomes and provide a safe home where the red-backed, gold-trimmed, blackshadow-typed beauties could nestle together, secure in the knowledge that they were loved and cherished.

These days, barely any Catch-22s of this design may be found in charity shops, such has been the extent of my devotion to the cause.

So, now, I turn to you to ask for your help. Do YOU know of the whereabouts of one or more of these wonderful creatures? I have a supply of Catch 22s with other covers. Good covers, but not my favourite cover. I will swap one of those with your lovely Corgi red paperback, happily covering postage and packing costs. What do you say? Write to me in the ‘Swap offer’ box below, with your name and address, and I will send you my copy of Catch 22 and a stamped addressed envelope for you to send me your red Corgi version.

One comment

  1. Jordan

    Thank you for sharing. My grandpa is getting pretty old. How much would it cost to put him in a retirement home in ottawa?

What say you?